Believe 2022

I believe in you and me
and Santa Claus
and Christmas Trees
That Love still shines from up above
even while we push and shove

I believe in simple stuff
like dingle balls
and Who-foo-fluff
That shrivelled adults hearts can swell
with each old story that we tell

I believe in the manger scene
and super-novas
and coffee beans
That wondrous things from view can hide
without a bit of faith inside

I believe the world will mend
and peace and love
will reign again
That we will find a better way
and live each day like Christmas Day


They shared a look across the platform on a cold November day.
Two wrapped up travelers wishing they were hurrying off to play.

His cashmere scarf belied the scuffed old satchel on his arm;
A man of style who knew that thrift would never do him harm.

Her trench pulled tight against those pounds she could never seem to shed.
She thought if he ever saw her less adorned the shame might drop her dead.

But still, she smiled as his eyes found hers, as they had every day before,
And his perfect smile sent in return left her wanting ever more.

She couldn’t know, but on this day the man had made a pact
To his mirrored self to make a move and finally to act.

He strode across the platform, sure and swift as knights of old
And taking off his glove extended a hand out in the cold.

“Good morning, Miss, I feel it’s time to meet and say hello.
You see, I’ve watched you every day and have longed to know you, so…

My name is David, and I hope, if you don’t think it vile,
You’ll sit with me upon the train and chat a little while.”

She met his hand and then his smile as the train pulled up beside,
And accepted his invitation for their Monday morning ride.

They talked of work and dogs and books and flirted just a bit.
And the ride was far too short this day – they wished that they could sit

Side by side for days on end, for each was sure they’d found
A kindred soul and fellow heart where love could run unbound.

Her station loomed and they parted ways with a promise to return
At the end of the day to talk again – there was so much left to learn.

And that was just the start of a love affair to last forever
All thanks to a train and a cold grey day – a happily ever after.

A Christmas Wish of Love

In the still small silence, while winter winds doth blow.
We’re yearning for the peace we lost so long ago.
In the darkest night and in the winter snows,
The Christ Child midst the hate lies sweetly in repose.

In this time of lights and plenty ‘neath the tree,
Warmth of family will be with you and me.
While many out there suffer, lonely and alone;
Demons deep and dreadful to cut them to the bone.

The table piled with blessings of field and farm and tree,
Are not just ours to offer…they’re sent from Him to we.
Will we share the love that He sends shining down?
In our longing hearts will we let love abound?

In the still small silence, a prayer from me to you…
Remember those afflicted and pray for their souls, too.
So may you find the peace He sends from Heaven up above,
And know you’re in my prayers tonight, a Christmas Wish of Love.


Little donkey, did you see
Within His eyes Eternity?
Did you see and did you know,
That He would save us all below?
Little donkey, did you see and do you wonder yet, like me?

 Little dove, from your high perch,
Did you see the Wise Men search?
Did you hear them whisper low,
And see them bend, respect to show?
Little dove, did you see and do you wonder yet, like me?

Little lamb, with fleece of white,
What did you see on that dark night?
Did you see a family spurned;
Or Royals, Hallowed, lives upturned?
Little lamb, did you see and do you wonder yet, like me?

For I wonder if we still
Honour life and truth fulfilled.
Do we yet respect the Love
‘Twas sent to all men from Above?
Do we still, and do we see, that Love is for Eternity?

For as the donkey, dove and lamb
We all yet by His cradle stand.
And by His truths our lives should turn,
And in our hearts a flame yet burn.
And so this Christmas, our World so ill,
I must yet wonder…and be still.


Silent Night

Saint Nicholas is ready once again to make his ride,
In night-time flight he moves with quiet grace across the sky.
Listen to the sleigh bells ring, and you might be surprised;
Even those with shadows deep find blessings, by and by.
Nights of stillness, peace and joy come to all who seek the Light;
To those who seek the Wonder of the Christ Child born this Night.

Now as the world’s in sparkling hush, with north winds blowing free,
I wish you all hope, faith and love…and sweet sung melodies.
Gather round the hearth and tree; give best loved ones a squeeze,
Hear the flutter of angel wings…and may your soul be eased.
To each of you a Silent Night and a blessed Christmas Eve!

As Is His Will

The Mass is said, the bells are still. A candle blinks upon the hill.
‘Tis Christmas night and magic wakes as snow falls softly, flake by flake.
The Faithfull’s feet have crunched the ice and now lie snugly,
Warm and nice, within the beds of gentles sleeping;
All unaware of what comes creeping.

Love and Peace are on the air and ruffle every whisker, hair
That they do pass in woodland glen. They bless the best of creation then
Turn to the town all clothed in white, to bless the good this winter’s night.
With barest whisper of their wings they pass the brightly wrapped things
Beneath the tree and climb the stairs, to those who in their hearts know errs.

They shush and quiet worldly fear, fill souls with grace to last the year.
Onto the next – and next again –
Till all within are without stain.

The angels sing.  The earth is still.
May you be blessed, as is His will.

Santa’s Calling

In a sleigh full of eggnog, a fortnight ago,
Sat an unsuited Santa, without a ‘Ho Ho’.
It was two weeks till Christmas – he was dreading the trip –
The thought made him nauseous and made his bowels drip.

His anxiety had built bit by tiniest bit
Through the past several months and by now was a fit.
For he knew what would greet him at the end of that day
When the reindeer were ready and the elves packed the sleigh.

It would be just like last year – he had no hopes for better –
For proof he had only to turn to the letters
Stacked not nearly so high as in centuries past,
Even counting the email that had come in a blast.

No, there was not even hope if he opened a few,
His sad eyes had read for a moment or two
Of the greedy, ungrateful demands held within,
And he wiped a small tear from the tip of his chin.

Well, at least some had written, he thought with a shrug,
For it had been many years since he’d found on a rug
A tiny wee child of just seven or eight
Who had snuck back downstairs and stayed up very late.

To catch just a glimpse of a wondrous sight –
A big bellied Santa by Christmas tree light.
The memory brought a smile to his old withered face
But it faded as quickly as a snowflake of lace.

For the truth now was not one of laughter or light.
Indeed, it was often of darkness or spite.
For children today thought they knew all, and now
He often saw worry on each little brow.

And Santa, he thought that perhaps it was sad
That each little girl or boy’s Mummy or Dad
Could google an answer to questions of love
Or of mercy and hope and of what’s up above.

He didn’t think children now learned much of magic
Or of stories of wonder – the results were quite tragic.
The number of believers was dwindling so…
His heart burst with longing for so long ago.

When Christmas lists were of just one line or two
And children knew true joy and real magic, too.
And the tale of the first Christmas day in the barn –
That it wasn’t just some old man’s rambling yarn,

But the truth of a baby who just with his birth
Brought joy to all children all over the earth.

And so Santa sat in his sleigh in the snow
And watched o’er his flock of wild reindeer below.
Then he lifted his head and he gazed at the Star
And it seemed just so very impossibly far.

But the Voice spoke to him, as it had always before.
And he got to his feet and decided once more
To be there for each little wee spirit of grace,
For that tiny small child with a smile on her face.

 For if he didn’t work to keep Christmastime true
Just who could he count on – could it be you?

I believe

I believe in the power of humour, love and the written word.  All can conjure magic and all can induce inspiration.

I believe there is order in the chaos.  It’s just that, like any great masterpiece, one must be at a distance to see the patterns.

I believe in the guiding grace of the unseen God.   There are many sacred places on this earth and few of them have a roof.

I believe that Jesus walked the earth – as a male, a rebel and one heck of a storyteller.

I believe in MacGyver, Kermit the Frog and my Poppa.  All three have taught me invaluable lessons.

I believe that Trevor Linden was the best Canuck of all time.  And I believe there are those who should be ashamed that they let him leave for awhile.

I believe that John Denver, Great Big Sea and Matchbox Twenty can quite happily co-exist in a playlist.   Indeed all music, when played from the heart, goes together.

I believe we should bring back lawn darts.  Too many stupid kids are making it through childhood alive to reproduce.

I believe Rick Mercer should run for Prime Minister.  And if he won’t then Justin Trudeau will do.

I believe that stories change the world.  No village has ever followed a leader who couldn’t speak to them.

I believe a whisper will always trump a shout.  Everyone stops listening when one person starts shouting to be heard.

I believe the species we are exploiting will survive to enjoy this world long after we’ve self-imploded.  The only way to avoid this end is to stop the uneducated masses from breeding.

I believe we should be building factories on the Shield and growing plants in the Horseshoe.  You can’t grow a carrot in two inches of topsoil.

I believe the bottled water industry is killing the planet.  Full stop, no discussion.

I believe Paul Gross is the best actor Canada has ever produced.  If you watch his hands on stage you’ll see what I mean.

I believe that truly good lives are short.  Because they do all the right things up front and get picked to the winning team first.

I believe I will write the great Canadian novel.  But I might be eighty by the time I finish it.

I believe in kindness, politeness and in walking gently on this earth.  And I hope you do, too.


The rational part of his mind knew that it was ridiculous.  Normal people didn’t live like this.  Normal people just turned off their lights, locked their doors and left their houses.  Every day.  Without bringing on the cataclysmic consequences of not checking everything three times over.

Or nine times.  Not six, never six, nor any multiple of six.  Three was good, even five was okay, but six or twelve…no, then he’d have to start all over again.  From the top.  No cheating or the house would burn down for sure.  Or flood.  He’d forget to turn off the tap and come home to find the bread basket floating near the kitchen island like Noah’s Ark. Continue reading

From Above

The snow falls gently to the earth
And from the pond the sound of mirth
The boys and girls play crack the whip
Then safe at home their cocoa sip

The joys of the season fill the air
Bright as the tinsel in the angel’s hair
Wide as the smile of the new shepherd
Clear as the carols from above are heard

He came to us in the darkest night
And brought with Him a love so bright
So peace on earth once more would reign
All this from a babe in a manger lain

Amidst the cookies, laughs and gifts
Shall we as one our praises lift
To Him on high, born long ago
So human bloodlines still would flow

The season’s beauty, hope and love
Spring from the greatest heart above
And so I wish you peace, my friends
As only Christmastime can send

And keep a little Christmas cheer
As you walk onwards through the year
Give all you meet your service true
And love each other… as He loves you