Pandemic Pressures at the North Pole

The Elves are getting cranky in their Workshop at the Pole;
They're running out of PPE and Naughty-List brand coal.
The masks just in are not the kind to fit their pointy ears;
They haven’t seen the Missus so depressed in all their years.

The toy stocks were growing well ‘til the BC flooding hit,
But without CP running trains the schedule’s gone to shit.
The bicycle department can’t get their tires out of customs,
So many Billies and Janies will be throwing Christmas tantrums.

With all these issues you’d think Santa would have turned to drinking,
But he’s retreated just to do some really heavy thinking.
The CEO of Santa Co. plans slow and steady gains,
By heading off an Elvin strike and managing supply chains.

You see, he’s seen this all before and made it through alright,
All he needs is to believe in the magic of Christmas night.
The piles of presents may be smaller but no small child without,
So don’t despair that you’ll be missed and put away your pout.

Merry Christmas, one and all, and here’s to another year.
May Santa make it to your house – you might want to leave him beer.